FAB Menu Layout

How to find menu icons for side menu?

There are many websites available which offers icons. For example: https://www.flaticon.com/ 

Go to this website and search icons "Menu" or "Close".

Now you will see a list of icons. Click on which you want.
Now a popup will be opened, where you can edit color of icon & download it.

Now upload this downloaded icon to your server & put an Image URL of this icon in Layout Options. 

If you don't have your sever for this then just right click on icon (in a popup window) and open image in a new tab & get Image URL, put this in layout options.

There are various sizes of icons, you can use any size like 128, 256, 512px etc.

This image is big in size like 256x256px, 512x512px but don't worry there will be an option in Layout Options for Side Menu Icon Size where you can use 50px, 60px etc, so your icon will be resized according to it. 

That's it. 

How to hide first four features from side menu using nth-child formula?

Go to Editor >> Colors Menu >> CSS/SCSS Section and copy-paste this code:

 .layout.fabmenu .r9 li:nth-child(-n+4),  .layout.fabmenu .r99 li:nth-child(-n+4) { display: none !important; }