How to Change Social Sharing Icon for Android?
Go to: /var/apps/ionic/android/assets/www/templates/cms/page/l1/view.html
Here you will find: <i class="icon ion-ios-upload-outline"></i>
Just change it to like this: <i class="icon ion-android-share-alt"></i>
How to change Social Sharing Text?
Go to: /siberian/ionic/www/js/services/social.js
Here you will find social sharing text, $1 is Page Name and $2 is App Name.
Note: If you modify siberian core files in server then it will affect to all your apps. So just download your android source code and modify this in it.
Go to: /var/apps/ionic/android/assets/www/templates/cms/page/l1/view.html
Here you will find: <i class="icon ion-ios-upload-outline"></i>
Just change it to like this: <i class="icon ion-android-share-alt"></i>
How to change Social Sharing Text?
Go to: /siberian/ionic/www/js/services/social.js
Here you will find social sharing text, $1 is Page Name and $2 is App Name.
var generic_message = $translate.instant("Hi. I just found $1 in the $2 app.").replace("$2", Application.app_name);
Note: If you modify siberian core files in server then it will affect to all your apps. So just download your android source code and modify this in it.