User-Styler Module for Siberian CMS

You can customize User-Style.CSS of Editor & Back-office using User-Styler Module. 

By using User-Styler Module you can customize Login Screen Background Color/Image, Element's Padding, Margin, Height, Width, Text-Properties, Font-Family/Size/Style, Editor Colors like element's Background Color, Text Color, Border Color, Link Color etc...

Purchase it from this link:

Here are some screenshots of CSS Customizations made with our User-Styler Module:

You can easily change editor colors in SAE & MAE using CSS, but in PE editor colors are stored in database so if you want to change editor colors in PE then you should refer this article. We are using user-style.css that will override ALL CSS, so it will also override your client white labels in PE.

User-Styler Module is compatible with SAE/MAE/PE v4.12.9 and above.
